Purple Monster
(Blackcurrant Pear Menthol)


    • 11.5 £
    • 22 £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • 1.5 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 1.75 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 2.25 £
    • 3 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 3.5 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 4.5 £
    • £
    • £


It’s purple and it’s a monster. It’s scary and not for the faint hearted. It’s so damn scary it scared most of the purple away and turned red. Think berries, menthol, eucalyptus, halls soothers, ribena, anthrax (not anthrax) and is it pear? This is a crazy blend of biblical proportions, its a love or hate relationship, for me its an all day vape and guaranteed to get you up in the morning (not like that) (maybe like that).

This flavour is part of the Cloud Vapers Range, a selection of tastes that captivate exactly what we are all about, the very best ingredients to bring you the ultimate vaping experience.

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