LC Cheesecake
(Lemon Curd Cheesecake)


LC Cheesecake

Sharp but sweet lemon curd drizzled over creamy cheesecake with a crumbly biscuit base.  Delicious lemon cheesecake for all you dessert vape lovers.

    • 11.5 £
    • 22 £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • £
    • 1.5 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 1.75 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 2.25 £
    • 3 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 3.5 £

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • 4.5 £
    • £
    • £


LC Cheesecake

Lemon Curd Cheesecake

Sharp but sweet lemon curd drizzled over creamy cheesecake with a crumbly biscuit base.  Delicious lemon cheesecake for all you dessert vape lovers



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