Grape Ice
(Iced Red Grape)


Grape ice is a refreshing vape with icy blasts and boasts loads of grape goodness.  Sweet red and green grapes mashed together and frozen for all you grape lovers out there.

    • £11.50
    • £22.00
    • £1.50

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £1.75

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £2.25
    • £3.00

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £3.50

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £4.50
Options amount
Final total
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Grape Ice


Grape ice is a refreshing vape with icy blasts and boasts loads of grape goodness.  Sweet red and green grapes mashed together and frozen for all you grape lovers out there.

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