Blue Razz
(Sweet Blueberry & Raspberry)


Blue Razz

Sweet Blueberry and Raspberry from Angry badger

The Angry Badger Range.  This product had been designed most out of all set ups.  These liquids are super sweet and full of flavours that leave a long lingering taste in your mouth.

    • £11.50
    • £22.00
    • £1.50

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £1.75

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £2.25
    • £3.00

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £3.50

    Due to rising prices we have had to add a small fee for extra nic shots on higher strengths

    • £4.50
Options amount
Final total


Blue Razz

Sweet Blueberry and Raspberry from Angry badger

The Angry Badger Range.  This product had been designed most out of all set ups.  These liquids are super sweet and full of flavours that leave a long lingering taste in your mouth.



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