Few Words About Us

Cloud Vapers is a small family run business which was set up in 2013 by Matt. In 2011 having been a long term smoker he decided to quit and start this new thing called Vaping, it seemed like a good alternative and far safer than the known dangers of Tobacco. He bought his first kit and E-Liquid and started his vaping journey. For years the perfect flavours were sought, the perfect mixes and strengths to no avail, and then Matt had an idea…..what if he made his own ?



What started out as a small pipe dream soon snowballed into a full blown retail operation, with Matt’s ability to craft amazing flavours and a sensible price tag it got real big, real fast. He had to give up his job, secure funding and move into a small factory where he could then manufacture his own brand of awesome liquids to share with the world.

Today the Cloud Vapers brand is still relatively small in comparison to some of the big boys, however the quality and taste pulls no punches, this is big brand Liquid at a sensible price, made with love in a safe, clean environment, delivered to your door, just as you want it.


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